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标题: 看国外的书吧! [打印本页]

作者: adocom    时间: 2001-11-28 15:23     标题: 看国外的书吧!

作者: zhaoyu    时间: 2001-11-29 11:56     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

作者: adocom    时间: 2001-11-29 14:31     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

作者: zhao7701    时间: 2001-11-29 14:37     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

Hi, adocom and zhaoyu ,
  I am interested in this area too. Could you please give me some book  names and journals , I am in singapore now, maybe I can get it and upload!
作者: zhaoyu    时间: 2001-11-29 15:04     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

Computer Analysis and Design of Cable-Membrane Structures
B.H.V. Topping ang P. Iványi  
Abstract: Cable-membrane structures provide interesting architectural forms for: exhibition structures; temporary enclosures; theatres; and sports areas. This book concentrates on the computationl aspects of their analysis and design using the dynamic relaxation method with finite element idealisation. The book also explains how parallel and distributed computers may be used to speed up the design. The topics considered in the book include: mesh generation for cable-membrane structures; formulation of and controlling the dynamic relaxation analysis; finite element formulations for cables, membranes and geodesic strings; formfinding; cutting pattern generation; sequential and parallel analysis and design; and decomposition for parallel finite element analysis.
The book is intended for researchers and postgraduate students working in the field of finite element technology. The book is accompanied by a voucher for a complementary software disk containing both the sequential and parallel source codes described in the book.
Due: (The book has been delayed, I am sorry)
ISBN: 1-874-672-11-3
去买吧, 我没有办法了.
作者: adocom    时间: 2001-11-29 15:41     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

作者: zhao7701    时间: 2001-11-29 20:18     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

ok, I will try to search at our library and if yes, I will copy it then upload!
作者: zhao7701    时间: 2001-12-10 19:46     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

<statics,formfinding,and dynamics of air-supported membrane structures>;
<Tensile structures:design structure;and calculation of buildings of cables;nets and membranes>; <IASS symposium on membrane structures and space structures>
作者: zhao7701    时间: 2002-4-26 21:56     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

据我所知,在索膜等张拉体系方面很有造诣的是五六十年代德国斯图加特大学的Frei Otto教授和美国MIT的Irvine, H. Max教授,还有Alan G. Davenport教授,他们在该领域作了很多工作,其代表著作分别是:
1。Tensile Structures, design, strructure, and caculation--Frei Otto, Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, ISBN:0262150131.
2.Cable Structures--Irvine, H.Max, Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1981, ISBN: 0262090236.
3. Nonlinear dynamic behavior of guy cables in turbulent winds(Paper)--B F.Sparling, Alan G.Davenport, 2001 NRC Canada.
作者: zhaoyu    时间: 2002-5-11 09:01     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

Introduction to cable roof structures, second edition, H Buchholdt, 1998, ISBN 0727726242, Thomas Telford.
Soft shells : Design and technology of tensile architecture, H Schock, 1997, ISBN 376435450X, Birkhauser.
Structural applications of steel cables for buildings, 1997, ISBN 0784402450, ASCE.
Tensioned fabric structures: A practical introduction, R Shaeffer (editor), 1996, ISBN 078440156X, ASCE.
Light structures Structures of light, H Berger, 1996, ISBN 376435352X, 081765352X, Birkhauser.
Masted structures in architecture, J Harris, K Li, 1996, ISBN 0750612827, Butterworth-Heinemann.
Analysis of geometrically nonlinear structures, R Levy, W Spillers, 1995, ISBN 0412996014, Chapman and Hall.
Statics of suspension cable roofs, J Kadlcak, 1995, ISBN 9054106182, AA Balkema Publishers.
Tensostrutture progetto e verifica, M Majowiecki, 1994, Consorzio CREA.
The analysis of cable and catenary structures, P Ndumbaro, P Broughton, 1994, ISBN 0727720082, Thomas Telford.
Spatial, lattice, and tension strutures, IASS-ASCE International Symposium, 1994, ISBN 0872629538, ASCE.
Cable structures, H Irvine, 1992, Dover Publications.
Dynamic analysis of suspended roof systems, V Ivovich, L Pokrovskii, 1991, ISBN 9061911141, AA Balkema Publishers.
Cable nets and tensegric shells : analysis and design applications, O Vilnay, 1990, ISBN 0131157264, Ellis Horwood.
Tension structures : Behavior and analysis, J Leonard, 1988, ISBN 0070372268, McGraw-Hill.
Structural design of cable-suspended roofs, J Szabo, L Kollar, 1984, ISBN 0470271884, Ellis Horwood.
The technology of suspended cable net structures, F Chaplin, 1984, ISBN 0860950409, Construction Press, London.
Architectural fabric structures handbook, 1981, Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation.
Tensile architecture, P Drew, 1979, ISBN 0891585508, Westview Press.
The tent book, E Hatton, 1979, ISBN 0395276136, Houghton Mifflin.
Cable-suspended roofs, P Krishna, 1978, ISBN 0070355045, McGraw-hill.
Tensile structures, F Otto, 1973, ISBN 0262650053, MIT Press.
Tensostrutture e sistemi reticolari spaziali, P Matildi, C Foti, A Sollazzo, 1971, Italsider.
Cable roof structures, 1968, Bethlehem Steel Corporation.
作者: eau    时间: 2002-5-27 11:51     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

作者: MembrStru    时间: 2002-5-30 15:00     标题: 回复: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

eau wrote:

这两本书国内是买不到的, 可以托人去日本买.
作者: bridge71    时间: 2002-5-30 17:28     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!

1. Cable structures, H Irvine, 1992, Dover Publications.  
2. Cable Structures--Irvine, H.Max, Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1981, ISBN: 0262090236.  
3. Introduction to cable roof structures, second edition, H Buchholdt, 1998, ISBN 0727726242, Thomas Telford.
作者: weihshi    时间: 2002-6-5 10:47     标题: 回复:

3. Nonlinear dynamic behavior of guy cables in turbulent winds(Paper)--B F.Sparling, Alan G.Davenport, 2001 NRC Canada.
作者: superowen    时间: 2003-1-20 11:39     标题: 回复: 看国外的书吧!


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