*** WARNING *** CP= 64.156 TIME= 10:15:03
We switch to a force TOL = 1.0E-2 with REF VALUE = 1.0 to continue the
analysis. Please verify the analysis with this relaxed TOL. You may
need to re-specify NSUB or CONVTOL commands for convergence and
accuracy of solution.
*** ERROR *** CP= 71.047 TIME= 10:15:12
Solution not converged at time 6.666666667E-03 (load step 1 substep 2).
*** WARNING *** CP= 46.688 TIME= 10:54:
Cumulative iteration 30 may have been solved using different model or
boundary condition data than currently stored. POST1 results may be
erroneous unless you RESUME from a Jobname.DB file for this substep.